Are Government Planners Stupid?
Or are they Deliberately
Destroying Jobs and the Economy?!?
Or are they Deliberately
Destroying Jobs and the Economy?!?
Everyone agrees that it takes more consumer spending to drive the economy, create jobs, economic expansion and prosperity. This is the consumer demand driven economy. The economy ONLY grows as value is added to goods and services. This added value is ONLY created by the labor of the PRIVATE SECTOR WORKERS. This added value to the economy is called profit.
People in the private sector have jobs that create added value to the economy. Without this added value/profit there is no growth in the economy. No job creation. Private sector wages are the source of all buying power to drive the economy, create jobs and prosperity.
Taxes/government spending reduces this economic growth.
Taxes, transfer wealth to people (not all are even workers), who create no products or services that any consumer buys to drive the economy. When is the last time you decided to buy some government with your after tax dollars? "I think I'll buy 2 pieces of government today." Only government buys what government dishes out.
The solution for a robust economic recovery, with private sector job growth, is leaving more of their hard earned dollars with the private sector workers to buy goods and services that will pay the labor of productive private sector workers. This labor, not government labor, adds value to the economy, creates jobs, and prosperity. Taxes REDUCE economic growth.
A certain amount of government is required to assure a smooth functioning society. That is a given.
The government creates a false economy by printing and borrowing money (which actually creates more problems of inflation, devaluation of the dollar, a lowering of the standard of living, and, as we shall see in the future, a slowing/shrinking/impediment/drag on economic growth as money is taken from the consumer to pay off the debt.)
Currently government is growing. This downsizes the private sector worker. This downsizes the economy.
Downsize the government. Grow the People. Grow the economy, create productive jobs and prosperity.
Take ACTION. Tell your employees (Senators and Congressmen) to grow the people and down size government.