Chrysler is filing for bankruptcy and what is our government doing, giving handing them another $8 billion of our money. It is not the governments job to bailout these companies. It is not the taxpayers job to bailout these companies. I did not choose to give the government my money to bailout failing businesses. I will not let them do it anymore. I will not vote for elected representatives who support bailouts. The real revolution happens at the ballot box. Start finding out how your elected representatives vote and look for candidates who support what you believe in. Together we will take our nation back and we will secure the future of our nation for our children and grandchildren.
Children will shape the future of our nation. The Tea Party movement is not about today; it is about tomorrow. It is about the future of our nation, the children. We are fighting against the trend of spending because if we do not pay off our debts and we continue to let our debts rise, our children will pay our debts or lose the freedom we enjoy as Americans. We cannot stop with fighting for our children; we must continue to the next step. If we want are children and grandchildren to live the best lives they can, we must teach them for what we are fighting. The children must be instructed in our values of freedom and responsibility. We do not want this movement to die with us. We want it to continue for generations, because we want the freedom and prosperity of America to continue for generations. Teach your children about constitution. Teach your children about responsibility. Teach your children about America, the great nation we love. The word extremist has been thrown around frequently in the last week. One way to use the word extremist is as an adjective. This refers to opinions or actions that are “far beyond the norm.”1 According to Rasmussen Reports, 51% of Americans view the Tea Parties favorably.2 Even with negative media coverage, half of the Americans surveyed viewed the Tea Parties favorably. If people knew the Tea Parties were about securing the future of our nation, fighting growing debt that will be left for children, and keeping the government from controlling our lives, more people would have viewed these Tea Parties favorably. Only 13% of the political class viewed the Tea Parties even somewhat favorably.2 Who is “far beyond the norm?” At the Tea Party here in Clarksburg, WV, I met a woman who remembers her mother looking at ration books during the Great Depression, by the light of an oil lamp. I met grandparents worried about the dept our country is leaving for their grandchildren. These are regular people, who have lived through hard times. They believe in this country and want their children and grandchildren to inherit a strong nation. Who are the extremist, the responsible people who are simply asking their government officials to be responsible, too? Could it be the young family, who struggles to get ahead, but every time they do get ahead, they find themselves in a higher tax bracket and just continue the struggle for just enough? Whose opinions are “far beyond the norm?” It is time the politicians listen to the people. It is the people who make this nation great. We have a message for the “extremist” in the political class, “Stop spending and start listening!” I am excited about what happened on Wednesday. The people came out to let Washington know that we have had enough runaway spending. It takes courage to stand up for what you believe, but the American people are a courageous people. A friend of mine tried to get a count, but stopped counting when she got to 300. We approximated the turnout to be around 350. That is a great turnout of courageous people for a cold rainy day. I think of Easter as a celebration of freedom. This reminds of the reason our forefathers founded this country. They had experienced the government exerting control over the people and they did not like it. Our country was founded on freedom, but we have become accustom to giving freedom up for bailouts, whether it is personal bailouts providing for people who do not work or business bailouts for companies that have failed. Whenever the government starts handing out money, someone looses freedom. As a taxpayer, I lose the freedom to live the American dream of prosperity. The companies we are bailing out lose freedom, as well. Just ask the former CEO of GM. What did GM get from the bailout and what did the taxpayers get for the money spent on GM’s bailout? GM is preparing to file for bankruptcy by June 1. Where is our money going and what is happening in the land of the free and the home of the brave? I will tell what is going to happen. On Wednesday, we, the people of the United States of America, are going to let their voices be heard. We will send a message to Washington. We will take our country back! Our government was created to be for the people and by the people. Guess what you are the people. Our first amendment guarantees our right of free speech. The founding fathers wanted a safe guard in place in case the government ever did anything outrageous. They wanted individuals to be able to rise up and say, “This is wrong.” As I watched the spending that has been going on in recent times, I must say, “This is wrong.” I am only one person. I want to hear what other people are saying. I posted three questions to our Facebook page. Why are you coming to the Tea Party? What do you want to see changed about our current economic policies? What do you think each American can do to take our country back? Please give your feedback through this page by posting a comment or going to the “Let Your Voice Be Heard” page. You can also post to our Facebook page, (see discussion topics). Our monetary deficit is not the only deficit we have here in the United States. One of the other deficits plaguing our nation is a trade deficit. This means we are importing more than we are exporting. We have become reliant on nations like China who are exporting more than they are importing. We have been able to loan our country money because they producing things that other countries are willing to buy. When our jobs are bureaucratic positions we will not be able to produce. The government is not the place to create jobs creating a society where private businesses can create jobs leads to a productive society. If we reward those who do not work through are social programs, we will not be a producing society. If we are not a productive society, we are allowing our selves to be controlled by those who do produce. Those who work lead. To discourage work and create non-productive jobs is to hand influence over to those who are willing to work. We are a city on a hill shining light on the nations. Let's not hand over our influence. President Franklin Roosevelt said, "There is nothing to fear except fear itself." However, the new deal like policies being passed today may be a reaction of fear. When the stimulus package was passed we heard that something needs to be done now. Could patience waiting for the market correct itself actually make the recovery quicker. Let's look at history to find out. In 1920 and 1921, the economy took a major hit, but President Warren Harding was not motivated by fear. He let the market do what it was meant to do. Business and banks fell. Was the result a failed economy? No, the result was the roaring twenties. Our economy actually boomed! Under the New Deal, from 1933-1940, the unemployment rate average 17% and taxes tripled.* This kind of tax increase makes it expensive to hire employees. We must not react in fear. Our founding fathers established a nation where free markets and other freedoms prevail. Our country can remain a prosperous nation, but we have to return to the principals of our founding father. Let's make sure the screams of fear do not drown out the ring of freedom. We as a nation have compiled a mountain of debt of over $11,000,000,000,000. According to the US Census Bureau there are 306,162,496 people in the United States ( If the national debt was $11,000,000,000,000, that would be $35,928.63 per person. As I said above, the national debt is OVER $11,000,000,000,000 the debt is OVER $$35,928.63 per person. My child who was born in October was born in debt, because she and the others in her generation will have the responsibly to pay this tremendous debt we have acquired. Is this right? Aren’t we supposed to leave an inheritance for our children, not a giant pile of debt? We can turn this around, by changing our ways. When we a mass a mountain of personal debt, we start spending within our means, pay down the debt, and never spend above what we can afford again. The same is true for our national debt. Let’s send a message to our government, “Put an end to deficit spending.” It is time for our nation to balance its budget. Those who work get to eat. A society that adopts this philosophy prospers. In order to prosper, we have to be a productive society. How are we going to be a productive society when we take money away from our top producers and give it to those who are not producing at all? I do support those who help people in trouble, but this an area of personal responsibility, not government control. As we have seen with the auto companies, when we accept money from the government we give up control. The United States is suppose to be a free society not a controlled society. We want to take responsibility for ourselves and decided to help our neighbors when they need help, as they help us. We do not want to support slothfulness and feed a draining society. We want a society that rewards hard word and does not chase foolish fantasies of spending money we do not have. |