“Live free or die” sounds like a great rallying cry. We will fight to the death for freedom, but that is not what the statement is about. It is a warning. If we do not fight for freedom, our society will die. How are we fighting for freedom with the Tea Party movement? When the people in our society depend on the government for what should be personal responsibilities, we are allowing the government to control our lives. We must fight for freedom.
Look at the banks and the car companies. The government has taken control of the bonuses and has fired CEOs. Many people say we should have a say in how these companies spend our money, but really we should speak out on how the government spends our money. Even if our country did not further its debt to bailout these companies, we still should not spend our money this way. We should not invite the government to have that kind of control over businesses. We must fight for freedom.
The government is not just exerting control over our businesses, but also our personal lives. Why should someone have to pay extra taxes because they smoke? Many people are fighting for what they call lifestyle choices, but smokers are being punished for their lifestyle choice. I do not think smoking is wise, but it is a choice some people make. We must fight for freedom.
As we allow the government to spend more money to fund our responsibilities, we allow the government to take more control over our lives. As Americans talk about “free” health care, in Britain the government has nutritionist doing a health audit of people’s refrigerators. Britain’s National Health Service has denied smokers treatment for heart disease and obese people hip and knee replacements. Some may say, “Well, if you get something for free you should do what they tell you to do.” We should do what who tells us to do to do. Who will decide what the people have in their refrigerator? If tax dollars come from the people to pay for “free” health care, why should the politicians decided what the people should eat? The government works for us. Let’s keep it that way. We must fight for freedom.
When we look at the bailouts, stimulus package, d another excessive spending in our country, we must look not only at where the money will come from for these huge price tags, but also, how these programs will affect our freedom. As we look at our tax system we think about the money we work for and do not get to keep. We must also look at how we are being controlled by the tax system. As we look at spending programs for the future, we must look at how similar programs have affected freedom in other countries. Throughout generations, Americans have bleed and died for our freedom. Are we willing to give that up or will we stand up and tell our elected officials, “Enough with the spending!” Will we elect someone else if they do listen? This is not a bloody fight. This is a fight where we pick up our right to vote and our right to free speech to take our nation back. We must fight for freedom.
Please, read this article for more information http://www.hillsdale.edu/news/imprimis.asp
Happy Mother’s Day! I admire everyone woman who has taken up the yoke of motherhood. A friend of recently posted on Facebook, “According to Fox News, stay-at-home-moms would make nearly $123,000 a year if they were paid for all their hard work. Now to figure out how to start getting those paychecks.” That is great, but I chose to sacrifice my paycheck to stay home with my children. Some women work hard in the workplace, then come home and work hard at there. We do not run a debt that we cannot pay off because I stay home with my children. We do not live off the fruits of someone else’s labor. I work hard in the home so my husband can work hard in the workplace, and we make sacrifices. We make hard decisions on what to spend money on and what to sacrifice. I ask our politicians to do the same. There is a guide that should help. It is called the Constitution of the United States of America. Read Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution to find out the powers of congress and for what taxes may be collected. Last week we were all watching the “swine flu.” Of course, we watched. We do not want a deadly disease to afflict us or our children, but there is a deadly disease that is afflicting our country, debt. We must remain vigilant concerning this disease that could affect countless people over multiple generations. This week congress passed a budget of $3.4 trillion with $1.2 trillion in deficit spending. Deficit spending is added to our national debt. We need to not just cut our deficit spending we need to completely eliminate it. How can we continue to spend more money than we make and ever have the hope of getting out of debt? If we never get out of debt, our children will pay for our reckless spending. Let’s start by not adding expenses like bailing out failing companies. Chrysler was considered “too big to fail.” Last week, while we were all watching the swine flu it was announced that Chrysler went into bankruptcy. We bailed Chrysler out and the company still failed. I have learned from experienced parents that if you continually bail your children out they will continue to fail. This has got to stop we must let some companies fail so we can all learn how to succeed. Let’s keep a watchful eye on our government and make sure we do not miss what is happing in Washington by being blinded by fear. |