Last week we were all watching the “swine flu.” Of course, we watched. We do not want a deadly disease to afflict us or our children, but there is a deadly disease that is afflicting our country, debt. We must remain vigilant concerning this disease that could affect countless people over multiple generations. This week congress passed a budget of $3.4 trillion with $1.2 trillion in deficit spending. Deficit spending is added to our national debt. We need to not just cut our deficit spending we need to completely eliminate it. How can we continue to spend more money than we make and ever have the hope of getting out of debt? If we never get out of debt, our children will pay for our reckless spending. Let’s start by not adding expenses like bailing out failing companies. Chrysler was considered “too big to fail.” Last week, while we were all watching the swine flu it was announced that Chrysler went into bankruptcy. We bailed Chrysler out and the company still failed. I have learned from experienced parents that if you continually bail your children out they will continue to fail. This has got to stop we must let some companies fail so we can all learn how to succeed. Let’s keep a watchful eye on our government and make sure we do not miss what is happing in Washington by being blinded by fear.
Find out how your Representative voted on the budget.
Find out how your Senators voted on the budget.