Our monetary deficit is not the only deficit we have here in the United States. One of the other deficits plaguing our nation is a trade deficit. This means we are importing more than we are exporting. We have become reliant on nations like China who are exporting more than they are importing. We have been able to loan our country money because they producing things that other countries are willing to buy. When our jobs are bureaucratic positions we will not be able to produce. The government is not the place to create jobs creating a society where private businesses can create jobs leads to a productive society. If we reward those who do not work through are social programs, we will not be a producing society. If we are not a productive society, we are allowing our selves to be controlled by those who do produce. Those who work lead. To discourage work and create non-productive jobs is to hand influence over to those who are willing to work. We are a city on a hill shining light on the nations. Let's not hand over our influence.
Those who work get to eat. A society that adopts this philosophy prospers. In order to prosper, we have to be a productive society. How are we going to be a productive society when we take money away from our top producers and give it to those who are not producing at all? I do support those who help people in trouble, but this an area of personal responsibility, not government control. As we have seen with the auto companies, when we accept money from the government we give up control. The United States is suppose to be a free society not a controlled society. We want to take responsibility for ourselves and decided to help our neighbors when they need help, as they help us. We do not want to support slothfulness and feed a draining society. We want a society that rewards hard word and does not chase foolish fantasies of spending money we do not have. |