Why Romney's energy plan is the answer to energy and the economy:
U.S. oil reserves; U.S. oil production potential; the effect of increased oil supply
on price; and the UN and environmental studies.
U.S. currently produces 1/8 (12.5%) of the world oil supply at almost 11 million
barrels per day.
A“low ball” cautious analysis of the potential shale oil production is an additional
4.17 MBPD. As this link shows:http://www.consumerenergyreport.com/2012/07/13/the-effect-of-new-production-methods-on-u-s-oil-output/. Others say double
that or more.
As the analysis states, it is almost impossible to predict the added additional oil
production from shale as it has only just begun. Who knows what technological
advancements might occur in the future?
Add to the shale oil, additional oil production capabilities of Alaskan oil and off
shore oil, results in 10 MBPD of additional oil as achievable. That is more than
a 10% increase in the world supply of oil. When Hurricane Isaac only temporarily
threatened 2 MBPD of oil production, it caused a dramatic increase in the world
price of oil. To deny that 10 MBPD would not cause a dramatic reduction in the
price of oil, gas, and oil related products is either ignorant or disingenuous.
"$33 per barrel oil now and forever if we have the right leadership."
The following article is posted on an extremely liberal web site: The
Huffingtonpost. They would not post this information on oil prices if it were
not true.
This article also shows the U.S. has more oil reserves than the entire known reserves
of the rest of the world.
The article also points out the jobs that would be created to bring us out of
recession. Romney's Energy Plan is not just the solution for the energy problem,
it is also the solution for the economy. Tens of thousands of high paying jobs
will be directly created by the build up, and 4 to 5 service jobs will be
created for each of those, to support the increased economic activity.
More importantly, for every $1 drop in the price of gasoline, in the U.S. alone, that
equals $200 billion dollars per year in consumers' pockets. A non-government,
non-deficit creating stimulus EACH YEAR. Add to that stimulus: lower prices for
all petroleum based economic costs--- WORLD WIDE--- and you have a
multi-trillion dollar stimulus, each year, to drive the economy, creating jobs,
higher wages, and prosperity for all the people of the world wide economy,
without government deficit overspending sucking money out of the taxpayers and
the economy.
Fix the economy first. Then we will have the tax money being generated by increased
economic activity to solve all the entitlement and environmental problems
without destroying everyone's standard of living.
Regarding environmental concerns, as Reuters and others have reported, there is a major flaw in the assumptions all the studies over the past 30 years on global warming are based upon: The rate at which carbon is removed from the atmosphere. All these studies are based on the assumption that the Earth's CO2 absorption is a constant and that man created additional CO2 would only add to the CO2 in the atmosphere and take 100 years to be removed. The following links show as CO2 levels have increased, 25% more CO2 is being removed from the atmosphere than assumed: http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/09/28/us-carbon-plants-dUSTRE78R43E20110928
and http://www.naturalnews.com/033877_carbon_dioxide_plants.html.
This resulted in flawed and extreme conclusions being issued on global warming.
Instead of man added CO2 remaining in the atmosphere as all the studies are
based on, it is being naturally removed, with the added bonus of more rapid
plant growth.
Maybe that is why, from Cancun on, the strongest official statement I have seen issued
by the UN Summits on global warming is: "Man contributes to global warming." Of
course, he does. Just as he did 100,000 years ago with every fire he
We are in the last few centuries of the interglacial global warming cycle, as the
chart from the government's own National Oceanographic Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) clearly points out
The black temperature line clearly shows that the Earth's temperature has been
rising for the past 20,000 years as it normally has several times over the past
million years. In fact it is clear that the Earth's peak normal interglacial
warming cycle, the historical peak temperature, is several degrees higher and
has not yet been reached.
How long will it be before the powers that be start warning us: "The Glacier is
coming! The Glacier is coming!" To put us in fear and get us to beg them: "Oh
NO! We can't have that! Take more of our money to stop the mile deep glacier
from covering Washington, DC!" Better yet, take no more money. Freeze DC to save
our economy.