We have been blessed with freedom in this nation. We protect our freedom through votes. Ronald Reagan said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our hildren and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” We could be the generation that loses the freedom our Founding Fathers sacrificed so greatly to ensure for our nation. One of purposes of our Constitution is to “secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity.”Posterity is simply the future generations. As part of upholding the Constitution, we are securing “the blessings of liberty” for our children and their children. When my grandchildren climb onto my lap and ask what I did so they could live in a free nation, I want to have an answer. I will not say, “Nothing. I’m just not interested in politics.” I will not say, “Nothing. I really could not make a difference anyway.” I will say, “I made my voice heard by voting for the candidates I thought would do the best job.”
Many people claim they do not vote because there are no good candidates. If that is you, please consider that there may be no good candidates because the good people do not vote; therefore a candidate cannot win by being “good”. Also, consider that there may be good candidates, but a 30 second television commercial only reflects a snippet of a person’s life. People are naturally drawn toward the negative, so the media reflects the negative. As much as people claim to dislike negative advertising, it works, so candidates tend to point out the flaws of their opponents instead of their own strengths. The truth is everyone makes mistakes and no one will agree with any one of us 100% of the time. Find out which candidates will vote to best support your values, and don’t write them off just because their opponent says they are evil. If you are a good person, do your best to vote for good people. According to Thomas Jefferson, “All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.” Are you a person of good conscience? Will you remain silent and let tyranny gain a foothold or will you make your voice heard through your vote?
It is true that you may not know which candidates will promote your values. Not everyone can go to town halls and meet the candidate events. Does that mean you cannot make an informed decision? Try finding organizations that support your values. Here at the North Central West Virginia Tea Party, we support fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government, and accountability of elected officials. We try to encourage support of candidates who do the same. Political parties have headquarters where people can get information on where candidates stand on the issues. Although I do not encourage people to vote merely based on political party, people can always look at the party platforms and vote for candidates in the party that best represents their values. In this information age, please, do not let lack of information be your reason for not voting.
This is your opportunity to stand for future generations, to stand as good people, and to stand representing our values. Will you take this opportunity or will you leave it in the hands of someone else? You have a voice! You have an opinion! You have a vote! Please, use your vote to express your opinion and make your voice heard!