Cap and trade is not only a tax. Yes, it is the tax. It will raise the cost of everything that has to be shipped. That means you and I will be paying more so the government can get this money. The idea of this bill is to control our energy habits. In further investigation of the Cap and Trade bill, we can find this bill would send government inspectors into homes to make sure the home is equip for green teleology. Do our elected officials not trust us to make wise decisions? We are the American people. We live in a nation of freedom where we must make decisions for ourselves.
Furthermore, West Virginia coal country will suffer economically from this legislation with an estimated loss of GSP in 2012 of -$275.44 and Non-Farm Job
Loss in 2012 of -3,084 (
This legislation is bad for personal freedom, bad for West Virginia and bad for America. The house has already passed this legislation. The senate will vote on it in the fall. Senator Byrd has already said he will oppose it. Let’s keep the pressure on Senator Rockefeller. We, the voters, are responsible for holding our elected officials accountable. If we lose our freedom it is because we did not take a stand. Anyone can go to the State Capitol on Saturday, July 18 should go and make their voice heard. Keep writing and calling Senator Rockefeller. Let’s stand up for ourselves, our state, and our nation.
Rockefeller, John D., IV - (D - WV)
(202) 224-6472
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