The Fair Tax would replace the income tax system with a retail sales tax. That means no more IRS. Wolfe said that this would replace 5 or 6 taxes. He mentioned specifically payroll taxes, income taxes, corporate income taxes, capital gains tax, and inheritance tax.
Workers would take home 100% of their pay. That should stimulate the economy.
It would also bring back jobs from oversees by reducing production costs. It is cheaper to produce overseas because the wages are lower. We cannot lower wages and no one wants to do that. We can reduce production cost by eliminating embedded taxes. Wolfe used bread as an example. The production starts with the farmer who grows the wheat. The farmer would have employees so he would have payroll taxes, Medicare taxes, and social security taxes. He would also have corporate income tax. He has to raise the cost of the wheat to pay the taxes. Then the farmer ships the wheat to the mill. The trucker has employees. He has to pay payroll taxes, Medicare taxes, and social security taxes. He also pays cooperate income taxes. The trucker has to raise the cost of shipping to pay the taxes. Then the mill has employees, and it goes on through every step of production. If we remove the layers of taxes, it reduces the cost of the bread, and companies would come back to our country because of the reduced production cost.
According to Wolf, the income tax is “straggling us, enslaving us.” Is it too radical to abolish the income tax? Learn more about the Fair Tax and find out where candidates stand on this issue.
To learn more about the Fair Tax visit http://www.fairtax.org and read The Fair Tax Book by Neal Boortz.