Gatian started his speech with a quote from Patrick Henry.
“The question before the House is one of awful moment to this country. For my own part I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery…Mr. President, it is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope.”
Then Gatian pointed out that the health care vote was “a question of freedom or slavery.” This piece of legislation will lead to universal, government run health care. Not only that, but we stood up and said that we do not want this legislation passed, and the politicians in DC voted for it anyway. Gatian pointed out that countries with universal health care have tax rate from 40-65% of their income. When we work hard to earn money and the politicians in DC take that money away from us to spend as they please that is slavery.
Gaitain mentioned that the Founding Fathers said "taxation without representation is tyranny.” Gatian said, “Another form of tyranny occurs when our Representatives do not represent us.” He ended his speech with a warning to those in power, but it could also be a call for us to get involved in the elections in November. He said, “Give us back our liberty or we’ll take back our House.”