The first speech is by Heath Frazier. If you don’t who Heath is, that is because he is an ordinary American, trying to provide for his family. I met Heath as I was starting to plan our first Tea Party. He also wanted to plan a Tea Party in Clarksburg, WV, so we joined forces. He has spoken at each of Tea Parties and will be speaking at the Independence Day Tea Party on July 5, 2010.
Heath offers encouragement listing some of the Tea Party victories. He points out, “It has taken the progressives in this country to organize in local communities for decades. Its only taken the Tea Party patriots about 12 months.”
Heath goes on to say that despite these victories we to continue to fight against expansions of government and the reckless spending of tax payer money. How do we do this? By electing people who abide by the Constitution instead of people who make their decisions according to back room deals and buyout. Heath says, “We need heroes not cowards. We need patriots not socialists.” We need to find candidates who stand for what we believe is good for our nation. They should be people who will stand for things such as, state’s rights, small businesses, and decreased government involvement in our lives. When find these candidates we need to do everything we can to get them elected.
Why is Heath involved in the Tea Party? So he can tell his 2 year old son that he did something to protect his son’s liberty. Why are you involved in the Tea Party? What are you doing to secure liberty for future generations?
By Laura Kennedy