It's the career politicians stupid
This article begins “American foreign policy is driven, in part...” I am American and this is NOT my foreign policy. This is the Foreign policy of the Career Politicians. It is the Personal, Political, Special Interest Agendas of Career Politicians that have ruled Washington and our State Capitols for decades. It is not the people's agenda that our Founding Fathers dedicated the founding of our country to.
This article and Pfaff's book are no less then the reason for being that created the Tea Party. What they describe is not the government founded in 1776. Of the People By the People and For The People. The People's Agenda of what is actually best for the People and the Nation.
Near the end of the article he states “Pfaff hopes the misinformation, ignorance and complacency that have prevailed in the United States in the early 21st century can end.” The deceptive spin of the Career Politicians and their mouth piece of the Main Stream Media, is the root of the misinformation.
Since WWII Americans have been complacent. We believed what they told us and did not pay attention. We were ignorant to what they were actually doing. We trusted our elected officials to do what was actually best for the people and the country. They betrayed our trust. The Personal, Political, Special Interest Agendas of Career Politicians have Trumped the People's Agenda for decades.
They woke us up. We will no longer be silent. We will findout for ourselves what they are up to. We are paying attention and will hold them accountable. We will find real people with real jobs, who, like our founding fathers, will actually do what is best for the people and the nation. Who will not betray our trust. There are those that tell us all candidates are corrupt or will be. They believe that because they themselves are corrupt and think everyone is. I have news for them. Many have been found that are standing up for what is actually best for the people and the Nation. People like U.S. Congressman David McKinley and Gubinatorial Candidate (you know which one I'm talking about. You know instictively who the honest candidate is.) These are Real People with Real Jobs, who know how to create Real Jobs not government bureaucratic jobs. They actually want what is best for the People. No more greedy career politicians. We need Honest Leadership. We need Bill Maloney for the People of West Virginia.