As a lifelong West Virginia resident, John Raese has seen firsthand how Congress’s path of wasteful deficit spending and excessive regulation burdens West Virginia small businesses and kills opportunities for entrepreneurship. FreedomWorks PAC applauds his commitment to a common-sense, limited government agenda that includes spending restrictions and relief from excessive market regulation.
Raese is also a signer of the Contract FROM America, an authentic grassroots document created by the people, for the people, expressing what a majority of Americans want for their future. After garnering nearly half a million votes in less than two months, the Contract was whittled down to ten core ideas which advocate fundamental tax reform, fiscal responsibility and limited government.
FreedomWorks PAC plans to support the Raese campaign with numerous Get Out The Vote (GOTV) efforts, including direct mailings, yard sign distribution, volunteer phone banks and neighborhood literature drops leading up to election day.
“A Raese victory would result in a guaranteed Republican vote on November 3rd for a repeal of the unconstitutional Obama healthcare takeover," commented FreedomWorks PAC President Matt Kibbe.
“John Raese recognizes that the most effective government solution to America’s economic woes is to stay out of the way and give people the freedom to succeed on their own merits. This is exactly the kind of mindset we need in Washington right now.”
For more information about this race and others that FreedomWorks PAC will be targeting in 2010 as part of the Take America Back campaign, please visit the PAC website, or contact FreedomWorks PAC Managing Director Rob Jordan at (202) 942-7624 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting.