Thank you for the support during the election cycle. Tea Party candidate Allen Loughry has been elected to the WV Supreme Court. Patrick Morrisey, who already stood for states’ rights, will serve West Virginia as Attorney General and pledges to use his position to stand up for West Virginia against unconstitutional acts by the Federal Government. If the results stand after canvas on Tuesday, Tea Party candidate Danny Hamrick will represent District 48 in the House of Delegates. Though Romney did not win the presidency, West Virginia voted for him. We did our part, and we have victories
to celebrate.
Regular Meeting and Potluck
Date: Tuesday, November 13
Time: 7:00 pm (There will be a class on the Constitution presented by the Constitution Academy at 6:00 pm)
Location: YWCA in downtown Clarksburg (Located behind the Courthouse.)
This will be a time to celebrate victories and get to know one another. If you have never been to one of our meetings, come so we can meet you. There will be a lot for conservatives to do over the next four years. We would appreciate you joining us as we head into 2013.
We are asking everyone to bring a covered dish to share, so we
can enjoy a meal together.
Veterans’ Day Parade
Date: Monday, November 12
Time: 10:00 am
Location: Downtown Clarksburg (Meet at the Senior Center.)
The Tea Party will have a spot in the parade. Come walk with us and pay tribute to our veterans.
This is not the end. We will continue to stand for fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government, and accountability of elected officials.
Thank you,
Laura Kennedy
Co-Founder of North Central WV Tea Party