The federal government was never suppose to be in the business solving problems such as a “health care” crisis, but there are some ways to free up the health care industry and create competition.
1. Allow interstate purchase of insurance.
2. Allow groups of people (not just employers) get group plans.
3. Same tax breaks for all purchases of insurance (not just plans purchased through employers).
4. Allow individuals and groups to purchase catastrophic insurance and set up health savings accounts, not just employers.
Through the Tenth Amendment, which says, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to people,” the Constitution allows for the states to bring solutions to problems such as health care. West Virginia does offer some solutions. The following is an excerpt from the AccessWV site:
AccessWV is a health plan created by West Virginia law to provide health insurance to West Virginians who have been unable to find health insurance in the private market because of a medical condition.
It also serves those who have guaranteed access to coverage ("portability rights") through the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) as well as those who are eligible for the federal Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC) program.
Visit to find out about more services offered in the state of West Virginia.
Notice the Tenth amendment says, “…or to the people.” The most effective solution is to be the change you want to see. Many say, “I have insurance, but what about those who don’t?” What have you done for “those who don’t”? We can help out our neighbors when, we find out they need surgery. We can give to free clinics that provide health care to those who cannot afford health care and do not qualify for state assistance. See to find a list of free clinics in West Virginia. We can give to charitable specialty hospitals like St. Jude’s. We can give to churches and other charitable organizations that help people with medical expenses. How will our money be used more effectively? Sending it through the government bureaucrats in the form of tax dollars or through directly helping those in need and charities?
The federal government can have limited success in helping those in need, the states can offer solutions, but we, the American people, can do a lot more than the government. If we want to remain a free nation, we must stop pushing our responsibilities onto the government. We must take care of ourselves and personally help others. Providing health care for all is simply not the government’s job.
Please use the comment section to list charitable organizations that provide health care and/or help with medical expenses.