Marx: I could illustrate a hundred errors in the philosophy of Karl Marx; for brevity, I’ll just concentrate on one. The idea that the cost of all products should reflect only the wages paid for their creation.* Hey Karl, someone had to acquire the raw materials, pay for lights and heat or air conditioning used in creating this product. That person would be a capitalist. The person gambling (usually) his own money in the hopes the product will sell in sufficient numbers and at a sufficient price to repay the capitalist for his faith. This is called “profit.” And profits are used to create newer products, or new factories. Either way, creating more wage earners.
Darwin: Life is simply a happy coincidence; we are the result of a random mutation. Parts of the theory have been distorted in many ways through the years. The worst is probably survival-of-the-fittest. Nature does cull a herd of its slowest and laziest members. But mankind has repeatedly tried to take the role of nature unto itself. Case in point: Eugenics. A belief that mankind should rid itself of the “lesser” or ”defective” members. The Planned Parenthood organization began as way to prevent procreation by Blacks.** Hitler took Eugenics to the extreme by murdering 6 million “undesirables” to help keep the race pure.
Freud: Freudism means never having to say you’re sorry.*** “Serial rapists aren’t bad people,” a Freudian might state, “they just weren’t potty trained correctly, it’s the parents’ fault.” The net result of this line of thinking is that no matter what someone does: cheating on their diet, cheating at cards, cheating on a spouse it’s all because they were a victim of some childhood trauma. They’re ALL victims. We’re all victims. Personal responsibility? What’s that?
And what does all of this have to do with the Tea Party? Only the illustration of how our country has been led far from the intent of our Founding Fathers. Science, media, and education have all espoused these various theories as fact. Chesterton railed against them in 1911. He saw then where we were heading. And we have arrived.